A wrapper for metafor::forest function, which adds a risk of bias traffic-light plot to the right-hand side of the forest plot. The heavy lifting for this function is done by metafor. Note that if not specified as additional arguments, this functions sets the header argument of metafor::forest() to TRUE.
rob_tool = "ROB2",
rob_me = NULL,
rob_levels = NULL,
title = NULL,
rob_legend = TRUE,
rob_legend_cex = 0.9,
Output from metafor meta-analysis function
The risk-of-bias assessment tool used to perform the assessments
Optional value defining the result of the Risk-Of-Bias due to Missing Evidence (ROB-ME) assessment for this synthesis. By default (rob_me = NULL), this is omitted from the plot.
Vector of judgments [e.g. c("Low","Some concerns","High","Critical")] that controls the ordering of subgroups within the plot
Text to use for plot title
Logical specifying whether a legend for the risk-of-bias plot should be shown. Default is TRUE.
Expansion factor for the risk-of-bias legend
Additional arguments to be passed to the metafor::forest() function
Other main: