A function to convert standard risk-of-bias output to tidy data and plot a summary barplot.

  overall = TRUE,
  weighted = FALSE,
  colour = "cochrane",



A dataframe containing summary (domain) level risk-of-bias assessments, with the first column containing the study details, the second column containing the first domain of your assessments, and the final column containing a weight to assign to each study. The function assumes that the data includes a column for overall risk-of-bias. For example, a ROB2.0 dataset would have 7 columns (1 for study details, 5 for domain level judgments, 1 for overall judgements, in that order).


The risk of bias assessment tool used. RoB2.0 (tool='ROB2'), ROBINS-I (tool='ROBINS-I'), and QUADAS-2 (tool='QUADAS-2') are currently supported.


An option to include a bar for overall risk-of-bias in the figure. Default is TRUE


An option to specify whether weights should be used in the barplot. Default is FALSE.


An argument to specify the colour scheme for the plot. Default is 'cochrane' which used the ubiquitous Cochrane colours, while a preset option for a colour-blind friendly palette is also available (colour = 'colourblind').


Arguments to be passed to the tool specific functions.


Risk of bias assessment barplot figure.

See also

Other main: rob_forest(), rob_traffic_light()


data <- data.frame(
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
  Study = c("Study 1", "Study 2"),
  D1 = c("Low", "Some concerns"),
  D2 = c("Low", "Low"),
  D3 = c("Low", "Low"),
  D4 = c("Low", "Low"),
  D5 = c("Low", "Low"),
  Overall = c("Low", "Low"),
  Weight = c(33.33333333, 33.33333333)

rob_summary(data, "ROB2")